Thursday, March 03, 2005

i Heart Huckabee's

I just watched "I Heart Huckabee's" last night and had it bouning around in my head all night. The basic idea is of a team of existential detectives who examine people's lives, which was quite hilarious. At the same time, it made me think about what I do as a pastor. I try to look at all sorts of pieces of people's lives in order to make them make sense, similar to these detectives. But instead of talking about a big sheet of existence that all of time and space are a part of, I talk about God.

The existentialists in the movie were a sort of twisted Trinity, with one member being more like the devil, tempting to sin and dispair and emphasizing brokenness over unity, and there being no real savior at all. Other than that, there was no God at all. In fact, Dustin Hoffman's character's emphasis on a single "sheet" of existence that includes all of time and space excludes any kind of a God other than an ambivalent panentheism (everything that is exists within God).

Probably the best performance of Mark Wahlberg's career to date.

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